Operation Impregnation
Our first year of trying looking back was definitely a learning curve. We knew the gist of how to get pregnant, but until we started REALLY trying, it was a little more involved than what we learned back in 5th grade. Everyone tries to give you their little tips and "tricks" of the trade.
Method: We followed Dr. Funny Guy's advice the first two months, where he instructed us to engage in intercourse every other day. If you are married, that is SUPER aggressive.
Result: No baby
Emotion: No biggie...but I am super tired from Dr. Funny Guy's intense pregnancy plan.
Method: Ovulation Sticks and trying to track days by ovulation (see below).
Result: No Baby.
Emotion: A little annoyed, but I am glad that I did ovulate. I was cheap and got the tests that show lines versus the smiley face. Definitely recommend the smiley face ones if you are like me and over analyze.
Method: Ovulation Monitor (yeah, I am getting fancy here)
Result: No baby
Emotion: Monitor was super cool. Much more advanced. Kinda shocked that it did not work the first two times.
Method: Ovulation Monitor, Asprin once every morning
Result: No baby
Emotion: My friend told me about the Asprin thing. It did not do jack, but I am willing to try anything. Starting to get frustrated.
Method: Ovulation Monitor, and no lubrication...Yes, I said it. If you do not know this, PLEASE read that LUBRICATION can kill the sperm. (P.S. I am not saying lubrication should be the only means of prevention of pregnancy)
Result: No baby.
Emotion: Super annoyed that NOBODY told me that lubrication is no bueno for baby making, but encouraged that MAYBE that is why I am not getting pregnant!
Method: Ovulation Monitor and would try ANY advice others recommended
Result: NO BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Emotion: UH OH...looks like there is a problem. Super scared and know that I need to schedule an appointment with a specialist.
Obviously, I am not pregnant, so I am no expert. However, my doctors recommend that I try for at least a year before you see a specialist. In my world, if you are going to see a specialist, trying equals tracking ovulation. If you do not track and see a specialist...you are basically throwing away dinero. When I went to see a specialist, he asked me these questions: when do you ovulate, how many months have you been tracking ovulation, how many days are your cycle?
I tell you all of this not to spoil the fun part of baby making, but if your carefree ways are not working and you do not know why and the clock is ticking...there are ways to track this and figure out the method to the madness.
Method: We followed Dr. Funny Guy's advice the first two months, where he instructed us to engage in intercourse every other day. If you are married, that is SUPER aggressive.
Result: No baby
Emotion: No biggie...but I am super tired from Dr. Funny Guy's intense pregnancy plan.
Method: Ovulation Sticks and trying to track days by ovulation (see below).
Result: No Baby.
Emotion: A little annoyed, but I am glad that I did ovulate. I was cheap and got the tests that show lines versus the smiley face. Definitely recommend the smiley face ones if you are like me and over analyze.
Method: Ovulation Monitor (yeah, I am getting fancy here)
Result: No baby
Emotion: Monitor was super cool. Much more advanced. Kinda shocked that it did not work the first two times.
Method: Ovulation Monitor, Asprin once every morning
Result: No baby
Emotion: My friend told me about the Asprin thing. It did not do jack, but I am willing to try anything. Starting to get frustrated.
Method: Ovulation Monitor, and no lubrication...Yes, I said it. If you do not know this, PLEASE read that LUBRICATION can kill the sperm. (P.S. I am not saying lubrication should be the only means of prevention of pregnancy)
Result: No baby.
Emotion: Super annoyed that NOBODY told me that lubrication is no bueno for baby making, but encouraged that MAYBE that is why I am not getting pregnant!
Method: Ovulation Monitor and would try ANY advice others recommended
Result: NO BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Emotion: UH OH...looks like there is a problem. Super scared and know that I need to schedule an appointment with a specialist.
Ovulation - Nancy's Quick Crash Course
- Ovulation is the process that prepares your body for pregnancy. It is basically where your ovary releases an egg in hopes that it will get "lucky" and get fertilized.
- You only can get pregnant during ovulation which is anywhere around 24-48 hours. How people get randomly pregnant...I have no idea.
- There are several methods to this madness:
- Taking your temperature when you first get up in the morning - it will spike when you ovulate and keep at the higher temp if you are prego.
- Using Ovulation Sticks/Monitor - take the sticks every morning and it will indicate when you are about to have your "surge" of ovulation. You normally take these every morning.
- Some people use those calendars online...I do not recommend them and I will tell you why in the next point
- Your body typically follows a pattern. It is important to track the days to learn when you ovulate and when to take a test. At first, I was basing it on the month. For example: I started on Dec 2nd, and then I would think I was late or prego if I did not start on Jan 2nd. This does not work for me because my cycle can last for up to 37 days....so this is no bueno, and can be a HUGE let down.
- Here is how to track your ovulation pattern:
- You start counting the days on when you first start your period. If it is before noon, it is day 1. If it is after noon, you start the next day as day 1.
- Keep track with ovulation sticks or a monitor. Write down the day(s) you ovulate.
- Write down the day you start your next period.
- Keep doing this for a couple of months.
- You will see a pattern - I ovulate around Day 21 and start on Day 35.
- Your pattern will differ from others...sometimes people ovulate early in the month and some will later. Some will have a 28 day cycle, others like me might have a 35 day cycle.
- When to "do it"
- Some people recommend every other day...Dr Funny Guy. The sperm actually sticks around for around 48 hours.
- Others recommend intercourse every day during the ovulation time...sometimes multiple times per day.
- I have heard this can work both ways...my advice is trial and error. Your hubbie will not complain.
- Try to not tell your hubbie days of ovulation or make things more romantic. This will make things more natural and he will not feel so "used" or "cheap"....hahaha.
Obviously, I am not pregnant, so I am no expert. However, my doctors recommend that I try for at least a year before you see a specialist. In my world, if you are going to see a specialist, trying equals tracking ovulation. If you do not track and see a specialist...you are basically throwing away dinero. When I went to see a specialist, he asked me these questions: when do you ovulate, how many months have you been tracking ovulation, how many days are your cycle?
I tell you all of this not to spoil the fun part of baby making, but if your carefree ways are not working and you do not know why and the clock is ticking...there are ways to track this and figure out the method to the madness.
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