Turkey Day Gone Totally Wrong (continued)
(WARNING: This is a continued entry from my last blog. So, unless you are one of "those" people that like reading the last page of the book first, read my blog prior to this one to get the DL.) After getting out of the hospital, the hospital said it was super important to see my doctor the next day to discuss next steps, so I get an appointment with Dr. Funny Guy. We arrive at Dr. Funny Guy's office. At this point, I am drugged, tired, in crazy pain, and have little patience. Pretty picture, right. Jeff and I meet with Dr Funny guy and he gives us his best performance yet. After Dr. Funny guy reviews the book of papers the hospital gave us, we are summoned. Dr. Funny Guy: Jeff, sounds like "someone" (points to me) didn't enjoy their Turkey Day weekend? Me: No, Dr. Funny Guy. What the heck is going on? Dr. Funny Guy: (looks at Jeff) Jeff, basically she had...