Not right now...

We did not do any fertility treatments this month, but tried at home with ovulation.  Jeff's birthday was last Wednesday and I was a couple of days late, so I took a test right before he got home in hopes I would have a special birthday surprise for him.  I know that there is only a 1-2% chance of me getting pregnant without fertility help, but I still feel a small glimmer of hope.  So, when the stick says, "no, not right now", it still breaks my heart.  Does it ever get easier, and why not right now. How much longer do I have to wait?  It has been over 2 years...

After reading my blog, my dear childhood friend, Leslie Bunt, sent me a very encouraging verse last week. 
Since ancient times, no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you who acts on behalf of those who wait for him. You come to the help of those who gladly do right, who remember your ways. Isaiah 64:4-5b

Leslie went on to say, "Also, after I read your blog, a song I have been listening to lately that has given me great encouragement, came to mind. It is called 'Surely Goodness and Mercy' by Brett and Emily Mills and is on I-tunes. She used to be Emily Washmon. It is just a precious song based on Psalm 23. Anyway, the Lord brought it to mind as I was thinking of you."

Is this God's perfect timing or what!?!  Coincidence, you might say.  No way.  I love this verse and it reminded me of a couple of things:

1. Seeking God's love letter (The Bible) is the greatest encouragement and support while we wait.  We can be encouraged by all those in the Bible who had to wait, were faithful,  and ended up being blessed WAY more beyond what they can imagine. 
  • Hannah - Mother of Samuel.  Check her story out in 1 Samuel 1:1-20.  
  • John the Baptist's parents - Elizabeth was also barren and gave birth to John the Baptist at a very late age
  • Sarah & Abraham - God promised them lots of start a whole nation.  Sarah didn't get pregnant until she was in her 90s and Abraham was 100ish years old (Genesis 17:17)
2. Committing scripture to memory.  It is important to have these words of encouragement ingrained in our hearts, so when the Devil is telling you that God has forgotten you, you can fight him off with verses. (this really works) Ephesians 6:17..."and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God".

3. How wonderful it is when our friends act on their "nudges".  When God puts someone on your heart acting on it by: praying for them, reaching out to them, or sending scripture for encouragement.

If there are any other verses that come to mind, please add in comment section.  This can help all of us who are waiting....maybe it is not for a baby, but a career change, a significant other, marriage, our "luck" to change, a sales deal to come through, etc. 


  1. This is from my friend Peggy. She posted this on Facebook:
    Obviously have always loved Jeremiah 29:11 and Matthew 6:33. But when the doctor first told me that he did not think this pregnancy was going to be viable after just going through that heartbreak the month before, I focused a lot on John 16:33 and wrote my prayers down on paper ever night.

  2. Nancy, just wanted you to know I've been thinking about and praying for you. We had an interesting pregnancy journey as well - so glad you are sharing your story. We have been studying Luke, so was thinking of Elizabeth when I read your post. But my favorite verse in that first chapter is actually when Gabriel is telling Mary that she's going to give birth to Jesus and says, "For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)
    XO - Suzanne

  3. Nancy,

    I just wanted to thank you for your sweet, beautiful blog entries. They have really ministered to me. I can relate to trusting the Lord in the waiting seasons of life and longing to see an answer to prayer in our timing rather than in His. I am still single and although often feel content and so fulfilled in my life there are days I wonder if God has forgotten me and if all this waiting is worth it.

    But then I am reminded of God's power and His love for me. I love psalm 62:11-12 that says
    11 One thing God has spoken,
    two things I have heard:
    “Power belongs to you, God,
    12 and with you, Lord, is unfailing love”
    Those two qualities (God's power and His love) coupled together mean that God has all the power to bring things to pass according to His will and in His timing. But more importantly His banner over us is Love---His love for us dictates His will for us. Which means whatever path He has chosen for us even when it feels hard or painful it is done with a heart of LOVE. that comforts me and I hope it comforts you too. Our God is a God of Power AND of Love. Love you Nancy and Praying for the Lord to bring you the blessing of a child His perfect timing!!

  4. hello, i would love to tell you about how i got pregnant and gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, it all happened through a tradomedicaldoctor from malaysia.. he made some portions for me, said some incantations and spell , then told me to make passionate love to my spouse on a particular date, i did and weeks later, i was doing pregnancy tests.. POSITIVE… Thanks to him. check or mail him on doctorfertilitymalaysia… GodBless


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